
Nanchang University Jiangxi Provincial Government funding for Foreign Students in China

Unlock the opportunities to achieve your career goals by becoming a part of the Jiangxi Provincial government award program offered by Nanchang University.

The educational award is accessible for excellent international students who are starting or going to start an undergraduate, master and doctoral degree program in China.

Nanchang University is a national university located in central China in Jiangxi province in the Provincial capital of Nanchang which is south of the Yangtze River. The university hosts a graduate school and 21 undergraduate schools.

Why would you like to study at Nanchang University? Students at this university will be taught by inspiring scholars and will be able to observe their work firsthand. They encourage students to think about their own values and beliefs while also broadening their knowledge of others.

Application Deadline: June 30, 2021

Brief Description


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How to Apply        


Nanchang University will provide award amount in the following manner: